Store & Inventory Management HDAO ERP Software for Store and Inventory Management provides complete control over inventory of various types of material in the store or warehouse and its movement across the organization. All inventory related documents from raw material received at gate (gate in) to finished product dispatched from gate (gate out) are maintained and authenticated in the ERP Software system. Material is received against Purchase Order or Returnable Gate Pass and issued against requisition for dispatch advice.

Less chaos, More control :

Control your inventory and its levels (maximum, minimum and reorder) with easy-to-use Inventory Management Software module designed to take the hassle out of inventory management. Manage Multiple-physical warehouses (at a single location or multiple locations) and multiple virtual stock locations for raw material, consumables, finished goods, scrap, goods under inspection etc.

Manage Item and their attributes :

HDAO Inventory Management Software module enables you to perform Item Management. You can classify Items based on various parameters listed below :

  • Attributes like industry, brand, grade, size, color etc. These attributes are user definable and mainly used for analysis purpose.
  • Multiple Units of Measurements.
  • Default Vendor
  • Manufacturing related attributes like Set, BOM, Tradable etc.
  • Attach VAT and Excise Group Code

Ensure Your Warehouses are STOCKED Right :

Proper analysis or inventory is essential to ensure that your company has sufficient inventory in hand to meet the needs of both your shipment and your administrative or manufacturing consumptions. HDAO Inventory Management enables you to maintain optimum inventory levels by various analytical reports listed below:

  • Fast moving and slow moving
  • Dead Stock
  • Consumption Pattern
  • STOCKStatement

Basic Document generation Point :

Inventory system is the first point of document generation in which FINANCIAL transactions are involved, if these documents are verified properly, no deficiency may be found at the time of payment. HDAO Inventory Management System empowers you to efficiently manage your inventory, including receiving and verifying dispatches and transferring raw material and consumables to the shop floor. Return defective goods to vendor, and send purchase invoice to accounts department for bill passing are some of the key functionalities built in Inventory management system of ERP Software.

Increase warehouse efficiency from Barcode Enabling :

The Store and Inventory Management module in HDAO ERP is completely barcode enabled, which is highest tool for measuring accuracy in maintaining accurate inventory. System is fully capable of printing barcode tags on receipt of material either from vendor or from manufacturing processes. The Screen layouts are completely capable of taking input from barcode scanner